
Un billet doux de Castro

Fidel Castro nous parle un peu de ce qu'il pense de l'UE, ça fait toujours plaisir d'avoir des nouvelles de ce vieil ami des eurocrates. Le blog Diplomad synthétise (voir ici: Castro creams the EU ) les différents articles de presse intéressants sur ce sujet, je ne citerai que deux parties. Rappelons que les eurocrates contribuent à 40% au budget cubain, ce pays est sous perfusion.
Castro [called the EU] the "Trojan Horse" of the United States and stated that Cuba no longer needed EU funds to survive <...> this bold remark follows weeks of verbal tirades, with Castro taking on Europe collectively and European leaders individually. <...>
Directing his ire at Spain's Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, one of the most vocal of the EU leaders in calling for sanctions, Castro said: "From a political and moral point of view, Aznar is a coward," and likened him to Adolf Hitler, calling him "the little Führer with the moustache." Italy came next. Current EU president and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was branded a "fascist", "bandit" and "a clown" after Italy cut off Euro 40 million in aid.

And, last but not least, British Prime Minister Tony Blair was attacked for leading the U.K. into a war with Iraq, and he was personally held responsible by Castro for his role in the death of scientist David Kelly, the biological weapons expert who committed suicide <...>

[The EU] is a "group of old colonial powers historically responsible for slave trafficking, looting and even the extermination of entire peoples."
Et le commentaire, pertinent, de Diplomad
It seems that when dealing with the EU, it's best to be highly insincere, in other words tell them whatever they want to hear; then make them beg to give you money; take the money; then go back on whatever nonsense you told them originally; then insult them without mercy in the most vile language you can utter; and they'll come running back with even more to give you. You don't believe The Diplomad? You say no organization or group of countries would tolerate such behavior? Oh, pititful fools! Has The Diplomad taught you nothing? We're talking about the EU, for Heaven's sake!
En ces temps de referendum, il est bon de rappeler que les eurocrates sont des clowns sans aucune morale et sans aucune dignité, et que n'importe quel dictateur à la tête d'un confetti au milieu de l'océan peut extorquer à l'UE autant d'argent qu'il le désire, et se permettre de remercier ses bienfaiteurs en leur mentant constamment et en les insultant régulièrement.

On a les partenaires que l'on mérite après tout.

2 commentaires

Blogger RonnieHayek a écrit...
D'ailleurs, Louis Michel, le commissaire à la Cooppération internationale (et ex-ministre des Affaires étrangères belge) de la très "néolibérale" - warf, warf ! - commission Barroso s'apprête à refaire de la moto à La Havane:

à 7:15 PM
Blogger Constantin a écrit...
Comme le faisait remarquer l'excellent Constantin il y a deux ans, pendant ce temps-là les Cubains ordinaires meurent.
à 10:45 AM

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